Deep Kiss Mini-Comics - Maekami makes a brief appearance.The details surrounding this incident have yet to be revealed. At one point in the past, Maekami had his horn and tail damaged by Hanten, but holds Anten responsible for this. Maekami used to work under Lil with Anten and Daimonji. Maekami also seems to have a more violent side which comes out around Anten. However, he makes one exception with this formality, namely when it comes to Anten, whom he addresses with no honorific as a result of a grudge. Maekami addresses everyone with the Japanese honorific "-san" (equivalent to "Sir" or "Miss" in English). His personal pronoun in Japanese is "boku". He carries himself with calmness and offers advice to his customers with troubles. Maekami is shown acting very respectful in his appearances, befittingly as he is a professional at his job. In images seeming to be him in the past, he has long hair tied back in a ponytail. His horns are black, and the left one has what appears to be white tape probably holding a broken part of his horn to the rest of it same goes for his tail. He wears a formal white shirt, black vest, and long black pants. His skin is fair and his nails are black. Though his face has never been fully shown, it can be seen in one artwork that he has dark blue eyes. Maekami has straight short white hair and gray paper taped over his face.